Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Morgan's drawing updates April 15th

I hope everyone is doing well. The weeks have been up and down for me, but a lot of good has come out of them, and some unexpected community and chances to do new things. I have one completed drawing so far. I'm a bit proud of this piece simply because I hate the time that goes into any form of semi-realism. This is not photo-realistic but I conveyed what I wanted to while working on techniques that I haven't practiced in a long time. I explained this piece in my first blog on this assignment; the woman outside represents a disparity between the people continuing work and school and the death that is
around us. This is the only piece I have completely finished at this point.
My last piece idea is pretty straightforward. While looking through news of the coronavirus I found that littering masks and gloves has become a huge problem in some areas. This piece shows a mask lying abandoned on the ground in some sort of populated area while distant figures walk around. It kind of resembles my empty Italian streets drawing (not finished) with the perspective and the mood, but shows a very different subject matter. 

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