Tuesday, March 4, 2014



Different. That's what I was looking for while looking through the books in Lilly Library. It was difficult to find something that didn't seem like had already been done. It seemed that I was more interested in street art - more specifically, art that's shocking - I think that's the kind of art that is remembered. I also like art which encompasses fashion. One of my favorite artists is Elmsgreen and Dragset. Their Prada Marfa building in Marfa, Texas and their Prada Marfa sign are definitely among one of my favorite pieces. However, in looking through the book I found an artist which I thought was original. It was different to me, at least. 

Ein, whose real name is Ben Flynnis a street artist based in London. He is most famous for his letters which he graffitis across walls in London. He used to work for artists like Banksy, for which he used to produce the prints. Only in 2008, did he start his own solo career. His neon and black EINE stickers were very famous in London as well. As was his VANDALS collection; he started producing sweatshirts with his trademark design.
Below are some photos of his art.

Eine was asked to spray a big anti anti anti graffiti in London across from Mother London. He then was asked to spray a Pro in october 2010 following the anti anti anti assignment for an advertising agency. This shows the marketing value and advertisement his street art could generate for brands, making it very lucrative for him to make more similar deals and "cash in" on his fame. Eine, however, considers these firms "evil" and does not plan to work for them in the future as he considers that selling out and is generally against it. 

"Vandalism" - one of his most famous works in London which he graffitied in 2007. He uses spray cans to make his murals. This prompted a clothing line and became an iconic artwork in pop culture.

The letter M was sprayed across a gallery in London where Eine was having an exhibition in 2010.

As a final note, another one of his bright and colorful and very typical street art works: the alphabet which was made in 2010. I found this to be quite original and interesting.

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