Thursday, October 11, 2012

Salvador Dali - Kat Franklin

Salvador Dali was a Spanish surrealist painter born in Figueres, Spain on May 11, 1904.  Dali was highly imaginative and is best known for the remarkable and bizarre images he created.  His eccentric manner and unusual public behavior often received more attention than his work.  His best-known work is The Persistence of Memory, which was completed in 1931.  He had an expansive artistic repertoire that includes painting, drawing, film, theatre, sculpture, and photography.  He passed away on January 23,1989.  I became interested in Dali after visiting his museum in Figueres, Spain last fall and wanted to explore his drawings further for this project.
The Persistence of Memory, 1931
Oil on Canvas
The Soft Watch, 1950
Pen and Ink on Cardboard
The Persistance of Memory is Dali's most famous work.  It is made by Oil on Canvas.  Melting clocks were a prominent symbol throughout his pieces.  The Soft Watch, a sketch his did with pen and ink on cardboard in 1950 is an example of how he sketched these clocks.  This symbol is from Einstein's theory that time is relative and not fixed.  It is said that the idea for clocks functioning symbolically this way came to Dali as he was staring at a piece of runny Camembert cheese on a hot summer day.
Bacchanale Ballet Sketch, 1938
Pen and Ink on Paper

This is a sketch of Dali's ballet, Bacchanale.  Dali wrote the scenario and designed the costumes and backdrops for what he refferred to as the "first paranoic ballet"  that debuted at the Metropolitan Opera in New York in 1939.

Madonna in Particles, 1952
Pencil, Sepia, and Indian Ink
Madonna in Particles, 1952
Oil on Canvas
This is Dali's sketch and final painting of Madonna in Particles from 1952.  It is a good example of surrealism art as it is an expression of the philosophical movement of imagination and juxtaposition.

Barnes, Rachel. Salvador Dali. London: Quercus, 2009. Print.

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