Whenever I draw, it has been as an escape, a way to express my thoughts and feelings without the constraints of words and grammar. Language does not allow for the freedom of expression that drawing does. When you draw, you can be as purposeful and precise, or as loose and abstract as you wish, but with words, things have to make sense. You can't just string a bunch of letters and words and expect to feel like you've accomplished anything. But when you draw, you can let the pencil (or other writing utensil) guide. You don't have to use your brain, you can rely on your intuition. Putting feeling into pen strokes is natural, the weight of the lines, the shapes and patterns can all convey emotion non-verbally. Drawing allows you to separate yourself from the humanity, it allows you to move past the distinctly human burden of language and making sense to express yourself in ways that are more natural.
Of course, drawing too has its constraints. It is difficult to begin without drawing objects. Objects are like words and background is like grammar, providing context to a picture. With confidence (and practice) drawing can transcend "real' objects. Although we didn't venture into color for the sake of this class, colors provide something to drawing and visual art that words can't provide to traditional journaling and written expression. Have you ever tried to define what a color is? What is blue? What is red? Colors can't be adequately describes in words but when you show someone a color, you immediately evoke a whole spectrum of emotions. With drawing (and visual art) you can tap into these ingrained experiences that unite people.
Drawing is a universal language, and that is why I have thoroughly enjoyed expressing myself through it this semester.
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